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Ejaculation is not Orgasm

Ejaculation is not Orgasm

Ejaculation is not orgasm, despite what you might think. In fact, there are distinct differences between orgasm, climax and ejaculation. Learning to separate these different happenings inside of your body

February 1, 2024
Give Her the Sex She Wants

Give Her the Sex She Wants

Why do some women "lose" interest in sex? Do women lose interest in sex or could there be a better answer to this age old question? What if every time

July 6, 2023
The cock is intelligent

The cock is intelligent

Erectile function, performance and other challenges of the cockMany things contribute to erectile dysfunction and performance anxietyMen experience pressure in the bedroom. The pressure to get and stay hard is

February 23, 2023
Slow Sex to Feed Your Soul

Slow Sex to Feed Your Soul

Does your sex truly satisfy you? What if your sex life was a way to feed your soul, rather than a way to satisfy an urge? Slow sex can and

January 25, 2023
Tantric Touch and Erotic Cuddle

Tantric Touch and Erotic Cuddle

  As humans, we have the right to feel loved and cared for. Sometimes we have received a different message from our family of origin, our religion, and our societal

December 29, 2022
What is Your Shadow Self?

What is Your Shadow Self?

The Shadow Self contains all thoughts, feelings, desires, and personality traits that we have rejected and suppressed.Every human has a shadow. Our Shadow Selves are those dark and mysterious places within

October 11, 2021
15 minutes from lax
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